ASIP - Reflection on 2022


As with all past ‘Reflection’ year-end mixes, I start with a collection of music I have enjoyed over the past year. Through the process of compiling a mix, songs are whittled down and selected from this collection. This means many of my favorite tracks and albums are often omitted in this process, due to the need for them to fit in a mix that comes together as organically as possible. As I say every year, this isn’t a definitive ‘best-of’ list, but a selection of just *some* of my favorite music from the year in one easily listenable format. It’s the most enjoyable way for me to boil down the music I’ve loved from the year using these self-imposed restrictions, for you to then enjoy and hopefully discover more. I encourage you to use the mix to jump off and explore each artist, listen to the album in full and see what else is on the label (and check the Buy Music Club list at the bottom). Of course, releases or aliases that are a part of our own label/s are not considered for this mix (head over here for our label-specific 2022 showcase!), and if you want to see the majority of what I’ve been supporting, head over to my Bandcamp collection.


Mixes paint a memory, and in many ways better than a photo. That’s half the reason I do these year-end mixes. Listening back to some of the past ten ‘Reflection on’ editions, each one still does the job of invoking specific memories for me. From the time I made the mix or tracks that trigger a time and place, maybe a gig I went to, an album that soundtracked a special moment, or just a record that didn’t leave my turntable. All of these things influence what tracks go into my year-end mix. It makes it challenging to try and capture, but also rewarding when I come out of the other side with something to listen back to that really shaped my year in listening. Despite this feature taking many, many hours, it’s much easier than doing a list, because not only do I dislike ranking music, but I really enjoy putting together mixes (so any excuse really!).

I haven’t written in-depth track notes for the past few Reflection mixes, mostly due to the sheer high number of track inclusions, but I want to go into depth on the inclusions this time around. I miss writing about music here, and it’s been a few years now since I’ve even posted a review. So hit play below, keep scrolling for the track notes, and link to a BuyMusicClub list to support all the featured music.

Listen on Soundcloud, or the ASIP Podcast.
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Firstly, let's sweep it under the rug; I’ve broken the biggest rule of the mix and included a track that wasn’t from 2022 (in fact, a couple aren’t strictly, but more on that later). The first track (and album), by maarja nut and ruum was such a lovely discovery for me this year that I missed in 2018, it accidentally slipped into my 2022 playlist due to being on high rotation. Of course, it was the very first track in the mix that set the tone- a hard one to undo when you’ve completed the set. So, because I have no one to answer to but myself, it stays! And I doubt you will regret this decision either if this album is new to you. 

Malibu made an appearance in 2020’s mix, and she’s perhaps a good reason for igniting a stronghold in female vocal led-ambient music recently. But few attempts are as ethereal as Malibu’s latest, going full-on Salt Tank (as a fellow Trance lover nicely put it once).

Ecovillage have made some gorgeous music over the years, and their latest album was a work of collaborations with some impressive producers such as Fennesz and harpist Nailah Hunter. My favorite track of the bunch was Memories of Spring featuring Japanese vibraphone player Masayoshi Fujita (the Erased Tapes stalwart). 

Raum, a collaborative project by Jefre Cantu-Ledesma and Liz Harris (Grouper) released a long-awaited follow-up to their 2013 album, and it didn’t disappoint. Whilst used more as a texture/segue in this mix, I encourage you to explore the full album. And, in a nod to Liz Harris’ involvement in the artwork for one of our releases this year, it felt fitting to include her project in this mix (thanks Liz!).

I’ve admired GiGi FM’s DJ’ing abilities for a few years now (check out her isolatedmix) but only last year did she debut her production chops with Kiwi Synthesis Diary 21k. I didn’t get around to listening to the album until this year (along with her latest, Magnetite EP) and so it didn’t make last year’s mix which was already out in the world. So here’s another little cheat, albeit a very short inclusion.

You can’t say "In Every Dream Home A Heartache” without reading it like the Roxy Music intro, and Romance and Dean Hurley’s similarly named album is just as memorable for me in many ways. Whilst this track is not my favorite from the album, it reminds me of the church bells and distant music playing from across the farm fields in my hometown back in England.

Fallen, aka Lorenzo Bracaloni seems to have released quite a few albums this year, but I was introduced to Moonlight Romance by Noah M (who creates many of our own artworks and was behind the art for this one). It’s like a new-new-age album, full of life and color, and a really pleasant listen from front to back.

One thing I find hard with this annual mix is whether to include tracks that have appeared in some other mixes of mine this year. Ultimately, I want to try and present new listening experiences with each mix, but then again, I am sure it’s very few of you who actually listen to all of them!… . Steve Roach’s What Remains appeared in a previous mix of mine this year, but this track is him at his very best. Refined, patient, bellowing, and glistening - a master of the style.

Pretty sure nthng has appeared in the last two Reflection mixes, but what can I say… whether he is releasing pounding atmospheric techno or soaring trance-inducing textures like this one, he somehow manages to draw me in with each of his releases. (I think, secretly, he’s a trance head and there’s a subconscious/ telepathic attraction going on between us).

At this point I got lost in the bellows of the last few tracks, so decided to find a way out of this musical chapter, and IKSRE provided a nice euphoric bridge with her vocals. Released on the ‘Healing Together’ compilation curated by Cynthia Bernard / Marine Eyes, plenty of tracks from this comp could’ve made it onto this mix, so you know what to do after...

There was no doubt I was going to try and include a Norm Chambers track in here somewhere, both due to his unfortunate passing this year and his undeniable contribution to the ambient and experimental community. I seeked out a jolt in the mix at this point, so his music didn’t go unnoticed. As someone I follow recently said, you could make five mixes from his library of music and each one would sound different. Thank you for the music Norm - RIP.

Chicago artists Purelink seems to be at the front of this new 'jungle/beat infused choppy ambience™, that I’ve seen becoming quite popular lately (how old do I sound). And one member of this trio features a bit later under a different alias. There is lots to explore in this world - whether it be following each of the member artists, their labels, or some of their own self-released music on Bandcamp. This track fits my dreamy chill-out world perfectly and was a much-needed segue into a more beat-driven chapter of the mix. 

Spoiler alert, Mikkel Rev will be making an appearance in the ASIP fam in 2023, so until he does, he’s OK to be included in this mix (!) As part of the Ute Collective hailing from Norway, it’s another rabbit hole of amazing young talent should you be into the more trance-infused sound of ambient music (or indeed, full-on trance music - plenty of that there). He makes some superb atmospheric chugging downtempo that ranges from the delicate to the beat-driven.

Whenever a new Biosphere album drops, it’s met with slight trepidation on my end. Not least because his albums take forever to reach the US on vinyl, but, how do you live up to the classics you created that helped define a genre? But that feeling is always short-lived and none so short as 2022’s effort. In what is a direct throwback to some of his earlier electronic styles, Shortwave Memories is one of his best in the past 10 years - at least. The N-Plants vibe in this particular track is the show-stopper. 

ReKaB was a new discovery for me this year, and the Móatún 7 label that homes this release, is a goldmine for electro-leaning music (even featuring a Yagya 10” recently). I think I played this ReKaB album front to back more than five times in the car one day. It’s such an enjoyable listen - not too pretentious, just enough old-school vibe, and energy to keep things present as opposed to wallpaper.  

OK, a couple more records were not strictly new in 2022 but I’ve always debated including reissues in this mix, and finally come around to the idea given the proliferation recently. After all, there was never a Reflection on 1993 was there?!  Spacetime Continuum and the always-on-point Musique Por La Danse label provide the 90’s throwback. (The similar-era Detroit Escalator reissue would have also made it in here, but I had to stop somewhere).

Daniel Avery’s album is a monolith. Throwbacks to Aphex on a SAW tip, mixed in with wall-shuddering bass and cave-mentality breakdowns. Any electronic fan that spent time in a dimly lit rave is going to enjoy his latest, just as much as the IDM/Electronica fan in all of us. I’m not sure if the track in the mix is my fave of the album yet, but the bigger tracks on the album would have sent this mix into a whole new dimension.

Seeing James Devane pop up this year was weird. Back in my blog days (they still exist today but this specific instance was 13 years ago), I uploaded a cover of Aphex Twin’s Rhubarb by James Devane to Soundcloud to host on the blog (remember those days) - it has 26k plays and the majority of us I’m sure really had no idea who he was until this year. With just one prior release on Discogs, I thought he dropped off radar. I guess he kind of did. This album was therefore a surprise to see, and its Gas-like fringed-techno a pleasant reintroduction.

Prior to Covid, I was due to DJ at an Astral Industries gig in London, and Transcendence Orchestra was on the bill for the second night I was there (when I'd get to relax and enjoy the full night!) It didn’t happen, unfortunately, but I always keep an ear out for their output and regret not being able to see them live. Back to the mix though, I didn’t go too hard on the modular synth-heavy tracks this year, but as with all Reflection mixes, I try and cover the variety of music I’ve been listening to. Whilst the full Transcendence Orchestra album ‘Dreams, Waking Thoughts and Incidents’ is a dark trance-inducing affair that might have felt like a rabbit hole at this point in the mix, this track formed a nice segue into the next with a similar sound…

This was the year Abul Mogard no longer hid behind his “old man steel factory worker” story and came out of the shadows on Houndstooth alongside COH (Gone is my idea for an “I AM THEREFORE I AM (ABUL MOGARD)” t-shirt). I’ve always wondered what Abul Mogard’s (real name Guido Zen) music would sound like if you added some fizz and more obvious structure, and this track can still be found bouncing around in my head somewhere. 

Another track not ‘new’ in 2022, but once again, there are no rules when you’re documenting someone so profound. And to lose Low’s Mimi Parker was a shock to everyone this year. I was late to the Low party given how long they have been around, but Mimi’s vocals on this track from one of their most recent albums (Double Negative) are purely angelic. I took liberties with the layering in the mix here, respectfully, so I hope it pays off in the listen as a moment of true reflection.

It’s not often you get treated to some of this early 90’s music for the very first time, but stumbling across Bowery Electric is like finding a long-lost favorite. Originally released in 1996, this is an example of why Kranky is so legendary all those years later, playing host to gems like this.

Nosaj Thing isn’t normally the type of music that stays in my periphery, but my colleagues were sharing the news of this new album, existing on the fringes of hip-hop and electronica, and when Julianna Barwick is involved, I tend to put it at the top of the pile. Whilst the beat closely reminded me of Massive Attack’s Teardrop, there’s no hiding the track’s beauty in totality. Add to this, I took a friend to see Nosaj Thing at The Greek Theater in LA, and we drank way too many Caipirinha’s before stumbling up the hill to the venue and missed Nosaj playing altogether… We did catch Toro Y Moi after though, so it’s a perfect memory captured for 2022. 

I’m glad Synkro returned with music this year, and it’s an amazing little EP on R&S to boot. Maybe even more atmospheric than his previous work, the beats are a little more smudged across this EP, but everything he touches has a considered, unique touch that can be heard strongly throughout his work and within collaborations (such as Kiyoko). 

There's a substantial amount of music to discover from Neglect on Bandcamp, someone I’ve admired from afar for a while now. This track, taken from his latest album is amongst a beautiful bunch of nostalgic electronica that cries quality.

It’s always hard to single out an Astral Industries release. The consistency of releases are faultless, so my shortlist this year with AI releases to include, was, well… not very short. Mystic AM, however, is the first release by Astral label boss Ario, alongside none other than Rod Modell, so it quickly became top of the pile by reason of a special moment in 2022, not least because of the beauty found in its original Iranian field recordings. 

Perhaps one of the most extensive releases of the year comes from the always intriguing Stroom label, and Voice Actor. 109 pieces of music and a surprising quality found throughout. It’s more collage than music when listened to as one, but you’ll find some lovely moments hidden amongst the 8(?) hours. “Will it be available on vinyl” I hear you jest? I’ve seen this popping up in lots of EOY lists already too.

There's talk within my small circles that Music For Animals is Nils Frahm’s best album yet. I’m not sticking by that just yet, as Spaces is probably in my top 10 of all time so far, but it certainly represents a stunning (d)evolution? Not a piano in sight you say? I immediately disbelieved it. But alas. It's like Nils kept getting put into Ambient playlists on Spotify and was like "OK, I'll give you what you really want…”.

I’m not quite sure how I stumbled across Ben Bondy. I think a friend might’ve recommended an album of his (Hadi, was that you?!) but It was enough for me to stalk his many Bandcamp releases and find some lovey instances. This track reminds me of a classic chill-out room track in its swirling laid-back mystery and vocal. 

I wouldn’t have come across the All India Radio track if it wasn’t for the great compilation it was presented on this year by Mystic and Quantum (a label responsible for some lovely releases over the years). New to me, it looks like they have quite the discography I’m yet to dig into, but this was a lovely moment that flowed nicely after the previous. Time to do some digging.

Concave Reflection (see Purelink reference above) is another artist in the fringes of my frequent listens but one I’m fully dipping my toes in right now. The full-length album ’The Best People Are Like Water’ is a really interesting listen - kind of metallic, chopped-up ambiance that the Spheric label are becoming known for (and seems to be all the hype right now).

Whilst the next track was originally from an album released a few years back, you’ve probably learned by now I’m bending the rules a little. However, this version of Hania Rani’s track Leaving, is a live recording released in 2022. After watching her live performance on KEXP, (shout to Alex Ruder!) I was truly mind-blown at her talent. It’s easy to make comparisons to Nils of course, but Hania has that vocal element which adds a whole new dimension.

If I had to be pushed, my favorite non-ambient album this year might have come from Mike Paradinas / µ-Ziq. Magic Pony Ride is just pure fun. And you need that in your listening repertoire nowadays, right? The bank of melodies and creativity this guy has amassed over the years must be unbelievable. To think, only some of it makes itself out into the world as a record. He followed this album up with another similar stunner too  - spoiled!

I've already given Wardown his superlatives for the year in his isolatedmix feature, but in summary, Wardown II followed up his nostalgic DnB/Jungle debut under this alias in style. Will there be a third that can keep the standard this high??

I could've launched into a complete Jungle/DnB hour at this point, but being 2hrs in, I really had to start winding this beast down and get all the end-of-the-night feels going. Bot1500’s latest EP stepped in nicely here - a lovely collection of melodic IDM and the track Chartreuse 8 felt rather emotional.

Royksopp really don’t do things by halves, and whether the entirety of their music is enjoyed or not when it crosses into the Pop realm, they still manage to conjure up some magic moments. I wanted to try and include a track out of the 3(!) albums they released this year but really couldn't find one that fit outside of this weird sample here. It worked on a few levels for me here though, “Press R to continue” …

Rose Riebl…With three compilations curated by Headphone Commute, the quality found amongst the ‘For Ukraine’ comps should go down as monumental and unmissable. I knew I had to get a track in this mix from the many on display, and this one felt like a perfect near-conclusion to the mix. Don’t miss out on supporting a great cause and listening to some of the best artists creating modern classical music right now.

The final track of the mix comes from EXM. While I normally try and end these mixes with a closer that is potentially surprising or off-genre (maybe a glance at other weird music I listen to) this one just somehow felt right. Uplifting and melodic, you can’t help but mirror its gradual progression with your volume-up button.


The art for this mix might feel a little unflattering at first, but I wanted to capture the mass AI hysteria as part of this year’s memory and mix. So, fittingly, this is what I got back with the creative input of ‘A Strangely Isolated Place’. Why so literal, bot?

Tracklist + Buy Music Club:

01. maarja nuut & ruum - Mahe (Fat Cat Records)
02. Malibu - Iliad (UNO NYC)
03. Ecovillage - Memories of Spring feat. Masayoshi Fujita (LAAPS)
04. Raum - Daughter (Self)
05. GiGi FM - Rosé (Louise) (Self)
06. Romance & Dean Hurley - The Flesh Is Weak (Ecstatic)
07. Fallen - Under A Glass Moon Of Wonder (Aural Canyon)
08. Steve Roach - What Remains (Self)
09. nthng - Some Clouds Are Destined To Break (Transatlantic)
10. IKSRE - You Will Find (PITP)
11. Norm Chambers - Resonant Foam (Self)
12. Purelink - Butterfly Jam (uWu Dust Bath)
13. Mikkel Rev - Ende (Translusid)
14. Biosphere - Night Shift (Biophon Records)
15. ReKaB - The Lightest Touch (Móatún 7)
16. Spacetime Continuum - Drift (Musique Pour La Danse)
17. Daniel Avery - Lone Swordsman (Mute)
18. James Devane - Orange and Tan (Umeboshi)
19. Transcendence Orchestra - The Hills Are Alive (Old Technology)
20. COH meets Abul Mogard - Traverse Within (Houndstooth)
21. Low - Fly (Subpop)
22. Bowery Electric - Postscript (Kranky)
23. Nosaj Thing feat. Julianna Barwick - Blue Hour (Lucky Me)
24. Synkro - Last Breath (R&S Records)
25. Neglect - In The Bondage of Your Identity (Unsilent Desert Press)
26. Mystic AM - This Spoke Zarathustra (Astral Industries)
27. Voice Actor - Hurt With Me (STROOM)
28. Nils Frahm - Right Right Right (Leiter)
29. Ben Bondy - Spring (Self)
30. All India Radio - Ancient Invocations (Mystic & Quantum)
31. Concave Reflection -Daylight Portrait (Theory Therapy)
32. Hania Rani - Leaving (Live from Studio S2) (Gondwana)
33. µ-Ziq - Turquoise Hyperfizz (Planet Mu)
34. Wardown - Stimulus Progression Pattern (Blu Mar Ten)
35. Bot1500 - Chartreuse 8 (Lith Dolina)
36. Royksopp - Press <<R>> (Self)
37. Rose Riebl - Near Dark (Headphone Commute)
38. EXM - Autumn is Coming (Dyadik)


Buy Music Club list >>


2022 Label Compilation (mixed by todos)

Our annual showcase of individual tracks from ASIP's 2022 label releases and a special continuous DJ mix of this year's music from todos.

After providing 2021's compilation mix, our esteemed journeyman, todos takes the reigns again to interpret this year's label releases. Containing at least one track from each of our releases along with many snippets and samples from others, todos weaves a tapestry that somehow manages to traverse ASIP's potentially most varied year to date.

From the intricate world-building sounds of Gadi Sassoon, Deepchild and Strïe; to the dramatic synthesizers born from Scanner and OKRAA; the granulated textures of Viul & Benoît Pioulard; the delicate keys of ASC; and Illuvia's illustrative DnB footprint; this year's mix seemed impossible to weave together, but todos tied it together in style.

Available as Name Your Price on Bandcamp


Full todos Continuous Mix tracklist:

01. Gadi Sassoon - ‘Sintetico’ edit /Illuvia - ‘Blue Rays’ edit
02. Deepchild - ‘The Singing Feat. Holly+ / ASC - ‘Third Act’ edit / Scanner -’Nuorp’ edit
03. ASC - ‘Fifth Act’
04. Illuvia - ‘Eagle Vision’ /Gadi Sassoon - ‘Bionico’ edit
05. Deepchild - ‘Dreams Within Dreams’
06. Gadi Sassoon - ‘Sintetico’
07. Strië - Aeroplane Flying’ / Strië - ‘Vogel Wolke’ edit / Deepchild - ‘Now It Is Me Being Breathed The Veil Breaks’ edit
08. Illuvia - Naissance’ / Scanner - ’The Earthbound Fox’ edit
09. OKRAA - ‘Heartless’
10. Viul & Benoît Pioulard - ‘Performance’
11. ASC - ‘Third Act’ / Gadi Sassoon - ‘Collision Suite’ edit
12. Gadi Sassoon - ‘Life On A Tidally Locked Planet’ / Illuvia - ‘Sea Of Vapour’ edit
13. Illuvia - ‘Chiara Springs’


Listen to all of these releases and find out more on our releases page.

todos on Soundcloud

Mixed version MP3

Earth House Hold / How Deep Is Your Devotion (ASIP040)


I fell in love with the very first Earth House Hold album (When Love Lived). And since picking it up with Brock and pestering him for a demo one day, I never expected an Earth House Hold album on ASIP all those years ago. But given our mutual love for house music, it made complete sense.

Today, we get to hear the full spectrum of influences on this alias from Brock. From the defined beats and chopped samples in the first album to the expansive vocals in the second, acid basslines in the third, and deconstructed atmospheres in this, the last Earth House Hold album.

This was never meant to be an all-encompassing collection of all Earth House Hold music (it isn’t). Listening to this project across the (now) four albums, is a lesson in deconstruction, and conceptually, shows how the album styles have evolved over the years. It’s remained one of the most exciting aspects of the alias for me, as Brock continually found new angles to explore and new influences to unearth. Each EHH album is unique and represents a very specific moment in time, a memory, a shed of sunrise through a cracked basement window to him, and to me. It’s easy to say a project is personal, but given our mutual love for house music and how this project has grown over the years, this one hits differently.

The album title summarises this release perfectly. Earth House Hold got off to a slow start, and many people didn’t enjoy this new approach from Brock. But today, ten years later, this is the perfect non-question to the many people who obsess over this alias. It’s not even worth asking…

Available today to preorder on 4XCD sleeve (to fit right into your vinyl shelves) or an extensive digital album containing all 4 albums mastered/remastered by Brock, along with artwork from the OG Peter Skwiot Smith.



Oddity Radio ASIP Label Profile + Inspirations mix

Curated by Alexis Le-Tan and featuring a host of brilliant, inspirational labels, it’s an honor to be invited to be a part of the growing Oddity Radio collective.

The ASIP label profile is now live on the site, including a playlist of tracks from the label so far, which can be added to your listening rotation on the station, a short interview, and an Inspirations mix by yours truly (cue biggest picture of me on the internet).

Oddity asks each label contributor to submit an inspirations mix, and it felt like an extremely daunting task at first. Capturing my inspirations in one mix would send me in circles, and I needed a more specific angle (you know I love a constraint when it comes to mixes!) So instead of looking far and wide or deep into my record collection, I looked to the many artists who have defined ASIP over the years and made it what it is today. They appear in the mix under different guises, collaborations, or with earlier releases before they were on ASIP.

Somehow, it manages to capture the sound of the label and is probably one of my favorite mixes I’ve put together in a while… maybe because of the nostalgia - it reminded me of times many years ago, discovering some of these artists for the first time a long time ago.

Head over to Oddity Radio to listen to the playlist and the Inspirations mix.

Big thanks to Oddity Radio for spreading the love and curating such a great platform, please check it out and the many other great labels featured!

Inspiration Mix tracklist:

01. Scanner - Anna Livia Plurabelle
02. Silence - Santur
03. Charlie May - Custard
04. Plastik - Herna 6
05. Scanner - Scanner 2.4
06. 36 - Geiga
07. Arovane - scapen te
08. ASC - Echo Location
09. bvdub - I Would Have Waited
10. Leandro Fresco - El Valle
11. Herrmann & Kleine - Leaving You Behind
12. Chymera - Umbrella (Beatless mix)
13. Influx - Dreamscape (ambient mix)
14. Joel Mull - Alden Plateau
15. Strië - Capsule
16. Yagya - Rigning einn
17. Wanderwelle - The Haunted Shores of Hiva Oa
18. The Sight Below - Further Away (Benoît Pioulard remix)
19. Olga Wojciechowska - Primal Fear
20. Tempelhof & Gigi Masin - Tuvalu
21. Stareaway - The Loss Of Breath
22. Johaness Schmölling - Icewalk (Ulrich Schnauss remix)

Inspiration mix MP3


Deepchild / Mycological Patterns (ASIP038)


Out today, we are excited to present a new album by Deepchild on A Strangely Isolated Place.

Australian producer Rick Bull aka Deepchild has a rich catalog of varying techno-leaning productions, appearing on labels such as Affin and Trapez and local Australian outlets since the early 00’s. His most recent, Fathersong came on the ineffable Mille Plateaux; a shimmering post-dub vista, rich in granular textures, inspired by the modern contemporaries.

Mycological Patterns arrives as a post-script to Fathersong, with a more playful approach and an homage to Rick’s love of mushrooms. Utilizing midi clips to generate chordal movement and reharmonize material he has long been obsessed with (such as old vocal recordings, vinyl rips and Peter Gabriel acapellas), Mycological Patterns plays out like a mixtape on purpose; a sketchbook of styles documenting the shifting abstract microcosms the album is titled after.

It’s an album that reminds Rick about the importance of play, especially after grieving the recent loss of his father. Featuring two tracks utilizing Holly Herndon’s AI project ‘Holly+’, the idea of experimentation and letting go spawned perfect anomalies. It was the ‘dithering artifacts, glitches and moments where the AI code revealed its underlying humanity’ that completed the concept Rick originally set out to create.

Mastered by Jay Hodgson at Jedi Mastering and featuring artwork photography by Christopher Landin, Mycological Patterns will be available as a digital download and on all streaming platforms from November 4th 2022.

Buy on Bandcamp

Streaming links


Many people may know you for your techno-inclined productions. What inspired this recent move into more textural/ambient pieces?

Deepchild: I’ve always loved techno, both for its titular ‘functionality’ and the way my experience as a DJ has one of compositing works in context, written by friends and colleagues as a kind of ‘micro-history’, telling a story of place and relationships in particular communal space.

Bridges between Berlin, Detroit, London. For so long, this ‘ecology of place’ felt like a driving force as a ‘techno guy’, but feels increasingly atomised to me in a digital universe. I left London 3 years ago, and Berlin in 2016 after long stints based there. Somehow, this very physical departure from ‘club ground zero’ to the coastline of Sydney, Australia, made the experience of writing for these spaces feel a little dissociative. Not always, but rather more in recent years.

Moreover though, relocating to Australia in 2019 due to my father’s ill health set in train a kind of musical liberation which has certainly changed the flavor of music I’ve been writing of late. After dad died, I decided that it was time to ‘try easier’ and stop ‘grinding’ (this notice of ‘grinding’ and ‘hustling’ is so abhorrent to me) and allow myself to rediscover music beyond the ‘techno industrial complex’. To sift through the ashes of it all. My wife and I joke that dad gave a ‘transmission’ to me to stop and allow some things to be born again with courage - and leaning into fresh musical climes was part of this for me. I adore so much from the ambient and contemporary classical cannon, but it’s taken a while to explore this as a composer.

Steve Reich, Philip Glass, Rod Modell, Arooj Aftab, Aphex Twin, Brian Eno, Vladislav Delay, Sleeparchive, Lawrence English, William Basinski, bvdub and The Caretaker all shepherded me through this recent moment…

What’s remained pivotal and surprising to me has been email correspondence from people like Lawrence English, William Basinski and Brock  (as well as old friend Joachim Speith from Affin), all of whom have been so deeply encouraging. This, I must say, is a radical departure from much of my experience of techno-politic, which has sometimes felt a little cannibalistic. Labels like ASIP are wonderful examples of an alternative ‘conversation’ to me, and I’m just so touched to be involved. There’s no mention of Beatport charts, for a start, which is refreshing.


Your recent album on Mille Plateaux, how did it come about and how would you describe this album?

Fathersong was written as a requiem for my father, who died from Dementia related causes 2 years ago. It’s a product both of magic and accident, as well as some degree of intentionality (certainly in spirit). When I listen to it, I think of my father - and ultimately, this was all I wanted to achieve.

After dad died, it felt important that I use the opportunity to ‘stop’ for a while - to take stock of my life, to mark his legacy, to allow for the fullness of grief to reveal its blessing.
I suppose this notion is pretty orthodox in a typical religious sense - an intentional year of mourning, of grieving, of marking a departure. For me, this initially took the form of journaling, of framing up some of his paintings, and of exploring a kind of gentle, musical ‘free-association’, underpinned by lots and lots of therapy.

Lessons from therapy seemed to suggest that generally having less to prove or account for were the ones worth embracing, and the album process was very much a literal exploration of this.

It may sound ridiculous, but much of the album was composed from exploring generative software tools between extended sessions playing the XBox first-person shooter game “Doom”, or overlooking the ocean. Dad’s illness was informed by a life of overwork and exhaustion, so I’ve felt like honoring him involved challenging these notions with my own strategies.

Essentially, I became interested in the value both of anger, self-soothing and roleplay (and playing Doom is a fascinating exploration into this) which are often precluded by our culture’s resistance to acknowledging mortality, and supplanting this with distraction and virtue-signaling. Xbox and ambient music are two valuable tools in my arsenal. As a music producer and sound designer, I’m fortunate that my creative impulse is generally always ‘there’, but sometimes unsure of what form to take. Framed in the light of grief, I decided to experiment with the idea of ‘surrendering the burden of authorship’ in honor of my dad, and explore a little more play in my process again.

Fathersong was composed from composite layers of through-written parts and ideas. A hard-drive laden with renders, spliced and mixed in a way which made sense whilst in the moment- but, crucially, written in a manner which enabled me to distance myself from the ‘burden’ of feeling like I’d written any of it. There are plenty of my original patches in there (if you purchase the Arturia Pigments software you’ll likely hear a few in there!), but I love this idea of a shared cultural commons of ideas, so I’ve explored a heavy quotient of generative tools written by others.

Grief, magic, accident, cracked software - no one has a monopoly on these.

Conceptually, Fathersong is framed as a reflection on the mystery of the moments (seconds, days, years?) between physical death and transfiguration (literal or metaphorical) to whatever happens next after death.


Mille Plateaux have released some iconic albums over the years, what’s your fave from the catalog?

This is almost impossible to pick, but every single Vladislav Delay and Luomo release was profoundly impactful to me. Let’s go with Anima, for now - as a musical artifact and conceptual album (a single track!) it remains divine. Sasu’s work somehow fuses naturalistic and synthetic worlds like few artists Ive heard. He’s a singular voice for Mille Plateaux.


What inspired you to create Mycological Patterns? How would you describe the evolution of this compared to Fathersong?

Mycological Patterns reads as an extension, and perhaps a post-script to Fathersong. It’s the most ‘playful’ work I’ve created, and a quiet homage to my love of mushrooms. It’s a reflection on the literal decay and rebirth which fungi facilitate. It’s an album which reminds me about play and its importance (I keep hearing John Cage’s beautiful laugh intermingled with the fading voice of my father here).

The album itself was a deeper dive into processes explored in Fathersong. One ‘oblique strategy’ I really wanted to explore here, was to make use of as many freely available commercial midi clips (mostly from RnB and HipHop websites) to generate chordal movement, as well as to reharmonize material I have long been obsessed by (1960s choral recordings, old vinyl rips, Peter Gabriel acapellas) whilst exploring (rather gratuitously) some polyrhythmic tropes from Steve Reich. I’m just so fascinated by the idea of allowing music to ‘write itself’ through curation and curiosity, rather than pre-decided narrative; and I learn as much these days from a Drake record as I do from a Steve Reich experiment. Throw it all against the wall and see what sticks.

The older I become the more I realise how incredibly indebted to the work of individuals like these I am - and, along with my father, I feel like I’m living in a moment where revisiting the spirit of these outliers feels so important to me. It feels like a ripe moment to reflect on being sewn into a bigger story where I don’t need to bear any more ‘authorship’ than necessary. The world probably needs more silence than anything else, and I think it’s ‘silence’ I’m always trying to explore with music.


You use Holly Herndon’s AI project Holly+ in two tracks on this album, can you elaborate on this brilliant project?

Holly (and her partner Mat Dryhurst) are inspiring figures to me exploring the interface AI, ethics and arts discourse.

Holly has moved from being a ‘berlin club kid’ to exploring terrain on the more vibrant conceptual fringes of the musical / choral form, and remains crucially invested in questions relating to authorship and ethics. I love her work with the human voice, and love even more her lack of inherent cynicism when it comes to emergent technology; she’s one of those humans at the coalface of ‘reclaiming the future’ with intelligence and joy, so I’ve followed her work (and podcast!) for some time now.

Holly+ is a piece of wonderful ‘audio deepfake’ software from Holly; a browser-based algorithmic rendering of her voice, where users can upload and reprocess their own audio. Like so much emergent AI technology (I’m thinking specifically of apps like Dal-E Mini here), the brilliance of software like Holly+ is largely in its anomaly - in the dithering artifacts, glitches and moments where the code reveals the ‘fingerprints’ of its underlying humanity. It’s so compelling to me, and a generous invitation to artistic collaboration and conversation from Holly.

Can you describe how you went about creating those two tracks specifically for anybody else looking to do something with the AI tool?

My process with most of the material I compose at the moment is pretty straightforward. I’ll have a big ‘toolkit’ of disparate paths to explore, and literally batch-render elements through / within set parameters.

In the case of Holly+, I actually uploaded and re-synthesised some acapella material from other singers (in some cases who’s voices were already autotuned) to create a hybrid ‘supra-voice’, along with some drum and pad renders - an entire field of ideas, most of which didn’t feature in finished works. In this case, Holly+ has featured as much as a textural device as a melodic one, and it’s the ‘dithering’ artifacts Ive fallen heavily for here. Holly+ has an mp3 larynx, it would seem. I love her spectral overtones and the idea of this entity creating new, strange, composite entities through metabolizing existing work. I suppose, in a way, Holly+ is mycological.


You created a mixed version of this initially, what is the significance or inspiration of this approach? 

Writing in ‘mixed format’ continues to be central to my process these days. Primarily because most of the work I write is contextual and experiential rather than broadcast based. I’ve come from a club background where the magic of the form, for me, has been related to the positioning of how an original track might be placed in context of others a dj selects, so I still love writing in this way

Music exists in the context of tradition and experience, and whilst Western delivery has mandated the notion of a ‘single’, it’s not a particularly compelling one to me - I’m far more enamored by the idea of an audio ‘ecosystem’.

Similarly, and in part as a rally against the tyranny of short-form algorithmic convention, I’m interested in writing works that explore a degree of more extended immersion. In this sense, I’m still enamored by artists like Burial whose single ‘tracks’ are not only popular and accessible but also might veer across tempos, form, and tonality in a single edit; they require patience and enough relaxed attention to really enjoy. I’m pretty committed to ‘slowing down’ these days, and writing in a mixed format is a way to suggest this experience.

What can we expect from Deepchild in the future?

There are certainly more forays into generative and ambient work on the cards, and I’d love to begin to translate these into more live performance opportunities. I’m pretty active on the Wavepaths forums, too, and composing music for psychedelic therapy and/or medical interventions feels like a vital space to explore. Similarly, I’ve enjoyed listening to lullabies of late, and feel like there’s far more scope for composing for ‘children’ than conventional wisdom suggests. I work a fair bit with young people in both academic and incarceration forums, and I’d quite like to write a children’s album at some stage. It’s a long way from playing Berghain in a sense, but it’s also not too long an arc to draw. We all need to rediscover both rest and play.

At the moment I’m in the middle of a uni teaching term, and I’ve actually been trying to experiment with writing very linear, eroded, loopy techno again during lunch hour and before class - a counterpoint to textural ambient work; all very time-constrained, too.
Basically, whatever disrupts a process that feels too established (eg turning up to the studio every day and making the same thing) feels creatively energising to me.

I’m releasing a full-length album under a secret alias next month which is an exercise in composing under a totally fabricated ‘entity’, and trying to be disciplined enough to maintain anonymity. I feel like the act of publishing a work changes the way we hear the work, and the act of actively disrupting our attachment to outcome or identity can help us make more compelling, ‘authentic’ music. It sounds paradoxical, but it’s true for me.


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