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Ethereal 77

ASIP blog

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ASIP - atmoteka 88 (DnB mix)


An invite to contribute to the brilliant Atmoteka mix series had been extended to me a while back, but I have never put together a solely DnB focused mix so wasn’t going to rush into such an effort. But after becoming inspired by the likes of our Illuvia release, Ludvig’s isolatedmix, SpyrosPortal’s feature, not to mention a whole host of amazing DnB influenced releases making a resurgence this year and filling my shelves, it seemed like the time had come…

Here’s my accompanying text to the mix.

Thank you to Atmoteka for inviting me to contribute to the series. I haven't put together a 100% focused DnB mix before, so it was a fun undertaking. There are plenty more knowledgeable people than me in the DnB genre (many of you listeners no doubt), so I didn't try to overthink the tracks that went into it too much - whether they were underground, brand new, well-known, classics or not. Instead, I picked tracks that I love through and through for many different reasons, and did my best to work them into a narrative. It became more of a "mixtape" in style with chapters, ups and downs, layering, and a few small loops or edits.

I don’t often say this about my mixes, but it’s one of the most enjoyable I’ve had the pleasure of putting together.

Head over to the Atmoteka Soundcloud to listen and download directly and pay a visit to some of the other amazing mixes in the series from the likes of ASC, Seba and Blu Mar Ten, to name just a few DnB heavy-hitters!

Buymusic club list also found below!


1. Unknown - Videobox [Death Is Not The End]
2. Bakground & Sangam - 90’s Living [Lobster Theremin]
3. Special Request - E3LS1 [Self released]
4. Unreleased
5. Antonello Teora - La Cura (Thugwidow remix) [Blizzard Audio Club]
6. Adam F - Aromatherapy [F-Jams]
7. Marc Atmost - The Dnieper River [Energostatic]
8. PFM - The Mystics [Good Looking Records]
9. Aural Imbalance - Europa [Advection Music]
10. CFCF - Closed Space [BGM Solutions]
11. Ethereal 77 - Somnambulism [Basedaddy]
12. PFM - One & Only [Good Looking Records]
13. Wardown - Rapture [Blu Mar Ten]
14. Illuvia - Nirmala II [A Strangely Isolated Place]
15. Sophia Loizou - Order of Elements [Kathexis]
16. Special Request - Quiet Storm [Self released]
17. Commix - Japanese Electronics [Metalheadz]
18. Aphex Twin - Lichen (1136 remix)
19. Aphex Twin - Lichen [Warp]
20. Unknown - Dedications [Death Is Not The End]

Podcast download.